Tokyo Shounen a.k.a Tokyo Boy
Country: Japan
Year: 2008
Genre: Myster, Romance
Minato is a young girl who was traumatized at a young age by being abandoned by her parents and left with her senile grandmother. She frequently corresponds with a pen-pal named Night, a boy about the same age as her that she's never actually seen in person. Although Minato and Night are very different - Minato is upbeat while Night is brooding, they get along anyway and she regularly updates him on the happenings in her daily life. Minato is even willing to confide in Night that she's falling in love with a boy she's recently met named Sho.
One day she wakes up and finds Sho acting extremely distant and tentative around her. She suspects Night may have something to do with this so she arranges to meet him at the mail box. However, he never shows. As it turns out Night is actually Minato's overprotective split personality and has been trying to drive Sho away by bullying him whenever he had control of her body.
Wah wah gag nyangka akting Maki disini keren bgt!!!
Karakter antara Minato sama Night bener2 beda n Maki bisa dapet bgt disini.
Emang salut deh buat Maki!! She's awesome..
Buat yang biasanya suka liat Maki yg kawai di film ini bisa ngeliat sisi Maki yg beda bgt sebagai Night...
Meskipun alurnya rada lambat sih... yah mungkin buat yang gag suka bisa bosen nontonnya.
Tapi ide ceritanya cukup unik, overall film ini dirate 4 bintang!!
But it's still worth to watch!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Suka Suka Film [1]
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