Sweet Rain: Accuracy Of Death
Japanese Title: Suwîto rein: Shinigami no seido
Directed by: Masaya Kakei
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Fantasy
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
- Junko Fuji
- Mitsuru Fukikoshi
- Takuya Ishida
- Takeshi Kaneshiro
- Manami Konishi
- Ken Mitsuishi
- Jun Murakami
- Erika Okuda
Runtime: 113 mins
Adapted from the bestselling novel by Kotaro Isaka “The Accuracy of Death”. Chiba (Takeshi Kaneshiro) appears seven days before a person dies an unexpected death. His job is to observe the person for seven days, and then decide either to ‘execute’ or ‘pass over’. Getting his work quickly out of the way, he goes to the listening booth of a CD shop and indulges in his favorite pastime, listening to ‘humanity’s greatest invention’: music.
Chiba is a Grim Reaper, a supernatural being who closely watches someone who is about to die in a sudden and unexpected way. No illnesses, no suicides: a Reaper’s job is to decide if the upcoming appointment with death should be marked in the agenda as “proceed” or “suspend”. “Suspend” means that the person will survive for now, and is only granted when a reaper gets the impression that his subject still has to reach the most important part of his/her life. But how do you put a value on what is important in someone’s life, especially if you are as clueless about human behavior as Chiba is?
The film shows Chiba doing three of these assignments, each at least twenty years apart from the others. However, because Chiba’s decision in the first assignment has noticeable impact on the future ones, he actually starts to learn a new thing or two about life…
Jujur aja waktu pertama kali liat film ini yang diliat bukan sinopsisnya tapi POSTERNYA!!! He he he ngeliat si Takeshi Kaneshiro!! Eye catching banget!! Abis itu baca sinopsisnya ternyata cukup menarik juga....
Abis ditonton ternyata filmnya baguss!!! Gag nyangka sih, si Shinigami Chiba lucu bgt!! Dateng ke dunia manusia tapi clueless banget. Udah gitu malah ada yang jadi yakuza pula. Peran si Chiba ini rasanya kayak gabungan filmnya Nicholas Cage yang City Of Angel sama Brad Pitt yang Met Joe Black. Klo smua Shinigami kayak Brad Pitt ama Takeshi Kaneshiro gimana y???
Overall worth itu banget nonton film ini selain bisa ngeliat kegantengan Takeshi Kaneshiro!! Wkwkwkwkwkwkw.....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Suka Suka Film [4]
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